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귀사는 랜섬웨어 및 기타 정교한 사이버 위협에 대한 사이버 회복탄력성을 향상하기 위해 중요한 발걸음을 내딛었습니다. 


공격자는 끊임없이 귀사의 데이터와 지적 재산을 침해하거나 훔치거나 파괴하여 귀사의 평판을 훼손할 새로운 방법을 찾고 있습니다. 


그러므로 귀사의 어느 부분에 여전히 위험과 잠재적 취약점이 존재하는지 알아보고 해당 위험과 취약점을 해결하여 조직을 보호하는 방법을 이해하는 것이 중요합니다. 

귀사가 사이버 회복탄력성을 향상하는 데 도움이 되는 권장 사항과 실행 가능한 안내를 제공하는 완전 맞춤형 보고서를 받아보려면 지금 아래 버튼을 클릭해 주십시오! 

탐지 모범 사례를 활용하여 사전 예방적으로 조직을 보호할 수 있는 역량의 관점에서 귀사를 다음과 같은 상태로 평가했습니다.


비디오를 통해 요약된 내용을 확인해 보십시오.

사이버 인시던트에 신속하고 효과적으로 대응하여 피해/부정적 영향을 제한하는 역량의 관점에서 귀사를 다음과 같은 상태로 평가했습니다.


비디오를 통해 요약된 내용을 확인해 보십시오.

사이버 인시던트 이후 데이터를 복구하고 운영을 재개할 수 있는 역량의 관점에서 귀사를 다음과 같은 상태로 평가했습니다.


비디오를 통해 요약된 내용을 확인해 보십시오.

Dell Technologies는 이 사이버 회복탄력성 평가와 맞춤형 보고서를 통해 귀사가 유용한 통찰력을 얻고 향후 개선이 필요한 영역을 파악할 수 있었기를 바랍니다.


위협은 계속 진화하고 있습니다. 그러므로 귀사가 공격을 탐지하고 대응하며 복구할 수 있도록 Dell Technologies가 어떻게 도와드릴 수 있는지 알아보십시오. 


질문이 있으십니까? Delltechnologies.com으로 돌아가 어드바이저에게 문의해 주십시오.

TechTarget의 사업부인 ESG는 글로벌 IT 커뮤니티에 마켓 인텔리전스와 실행 가능한 통찰력을 제공하는 IT 분석, 연구, 검증 및 전략 회사입니다.
Overall Score = {{overallScore}}
Overall Rating = {{overallRating}}

1. Which of the following types of threats will you and your team spend the most time preparing for over the next 12 months?
Answer01 = {{Answer01}}

2. How confident are you that you are satisfying your regulatory/compliance mandates (e.g., GDPR, PCI DSS, FINRA, FISMA, HIPAA, etc.)? (please check one)
Answer02 = {{Answer02}}

3. For how long (if at all) has your organization leveraged a framework to guide and measure your security program (e.g., NIST CSF, ISO 27001, CIS Critical Security Controls, etc.)? (please check one)
Answer03 = {{Answer03}}

4. How confident are you that you have the appropriate visibility and threat detection within your endpoint, cloud, and network infrastructure? (please check one)
Answer04 = {{Answer04}}

5. What staffing strategy do you utilize for detection and response of cyber-attacks? (please check one)
Answer05 = {{Answer05}}

6. How confident are you that your organization is scanning or testing for vulnerabilities regularly enough and remediating them by patching or configuration updates in a timely fashion? (please check one)
Answer06 = {{Answer06}}

7. How confident are you that appropriate security controls are widely deployed, properly configured, and capable of preventing a ransomware attack? (please check one)
Answer07 = {{Answer07}}

Category 1 Score = {{cat1Score}}
Category 1 Rating = {{cat1Rating}}

8. If your organization experiences a successful ransomware attack, how will you most likely remediate the threat to impacted applications and data? (please check one)
Answer08 = {{Answer08}}

9. Beyond the impact ransomware could have on production data and operations, how much budget, time, and effort is your organization putting toward protecting copies of data (backups/snapshots/replication)? (please check one)
Answer09 = {{Answer09}}

10. How prepared do you feel in your ability to respond to a ransomware or cyber attack that causes a significant disruption to your business? (please check one)
Answer10 = {{Answer10}}

11. What incident preparedness activities has your organization engaged in within the past 12 months? (please check all that apply)
Answer11 = {{Answer11}}

Category 2 Score = {{cat2Score}}
Category 2 Rating = {{cat2Rating}}

12.Thinking about your IT team and colleagues, how would you rate your collective skillset to recover from a ransomware or other cyber attack resulting a data destruction event? (please check one)
Answer12 = {{Answer12}}

13. Thinking about your last data recovery effort relating to a ransomware or cyber incident, how successful was your team/staff recovering data? (please check one)
Answer13 = {{Answer13}}
Selected E = {{q13e}}

14. Do you believe your organization would be able to recover all data, objects, file systems in a non-corrupted state after a disruptive cyber event/attack? (please check one)
Answer14 = {{Answer14}}

15. Does your organization currently have the capability to isolate or “air gap” some of its protection storage capacity to prevent malware infections? (please check one)
Answer15 = {{Answer15}}

16. What type of providers have or would you most likely turn to for help and guidance when evaluating solutions to isolate or “air gap” protection storage capacity to prevent malware infections? (please check all that apply)
Answer16 = {{Answer16}}

17. Regardless of your organization’s current utilization of an isolated protection capacity today, what percent of all your organization’s business-critical applications do you believe should be protected by a solution which can ensure there is always a copy of uncompromised data from which your organization can restore? (please check one)
Answer17 = {{Answer17}}

18. Thinking about your overall ability to remediate and recover from a cyber-security event, how would you assess your organization’s overall capabilities in the following areas? (please check one per row)
Answer18-1 = {{Answer18}}
Answer18-2 = {{Answer19}}

Category 3 Score = {{cat3Score}}
Category 3 Rating = {{cat3Rating}}

url = {{url}}