Complessivamente, l'organizzazione è:


Hai intrapreso un passo importante per migliorare la cyber-resilienza dell'organizzazione contro ransomware e altre minacce informatiche sofisticate. 


I criminali cercano costantemente nuovi metodi e modi per compromettere, rubare o distruggere i dati e la proprietà intellettuale, oltre a danneggiare la reputazione dell'azienda. 


È fondamentale sapere quali aree dell'organizzazione presentano ancora rischi e potenziali vulnerabilità e capire come risolverli e proteggersi. 

Clicca per ricevere il report personalizzato completo con consigli e indicazioni pratiche per migliorare subito la cyber-resilienza dell'organizzazione. 

Per quanto riguarda la protezione proattiva tramite le best practice di rilevamento, l'organizzazione è:


Guarda il video di riepilogo.

Per quanto riguarda la risposta rapida ed efficace a incidenti informatici per limitare i danni/l'impatto negativo, l'organizzazione è:


Guarda il video di riepilogo.

Per quanto riguarda il ripristino dei dati e la ripresa delle operazioni in seguito a incidenti informatici, l'organizzazione è:


Guarda il video di riepilogo.

Ci auguriamo che questa valutazione della cyber-resilienza e il report personalizzato ti abbiano fornito informazioni utili e spunti di miglioramento per il futuro.


Le minacce sono in continua evoluzione: scopri in che modo Dell Technologies contribuisce a garantire che l'organizzazione sia sempre in grado di rilevare, rispondere e ripristinare la situazione in seguito agli attacchi. 


Domande? Torna su per contattare un consulente.

ESG, divisione di TechTarget, è la società di analisi, ricerca, convalida e strategia che offre intelligence di mercato e informazioni pratiche alla community IT globale.
Overall Score = {{overallScore}}
Overall Rating = {{overallRating}}

1. Which of the following types of threats will you and your team spend the most time preparing for over the next 12 months?
Answer01 = {{Answer01}}

2. How confident are you that you are satisfying your regulatory/compliance mandates (e.g., GDPR, PCI DSS, FINRA, FISMA, HIPAA, etc.)? (please check one)
Answer02 = {{Answer02}}

3. For how long (if at all) has your organization leveraged a framework to guide and measure your security program (e.g., NIST CSF, ISO 27001, CIS Critical Security Controls, etc.)? (please check one)
Answer03 = {{Answer03}}

4. How confident are you that you have the appropriate visibility and threat detection within your endpoint, cloud, and network infrastructure? (please check one)
Answer04 = {{Answer04}}

5. What staffing strategy do you utilize for detection and response of cyber-attacks? (please check one)
Answer05 = {{Answer05}}

6. How confident are you that your organization is scanning or testing for vulnerabilities regularly enough and remediating them by patching or configuration updates in a timely fashion? (please check one)
Answer06 = {{Answer06}}

7. How confident are you that appropriate security controls are widely deployed, properly configured, and capable of preventing a ransomware attack? (please check one)
Answer07 = {{Answer07}}

Category 1 Score = {{cat1Score}}
Category 1 Rating = {{cat1Rating}}

8. If your organization experiences a successful ransomware attack, how will you most likely remediate the threat to impacted applications and data? (please check one)
Answer08 = {{Answer08}}

9. Beyond the impact ransomware could have on production data and operations, how much budget, time, and effort is your organization putting toward protecting copies of data (backups/snapshots/replication)? (please check one)
Answer09 = {{Answer09}}

10. How prepared do you feel in your ability to respond to a ransomware or cyber attack that causes a significant disruption to your business? (please check one)
Answer10 = {{Answer10}}

11. What incident preparedness activities has your organization engaged in within the past 12 months? (please check all that apply)
Answer11 = {{Answer11}}

Category 2 Score = {{cat2Score}}
Category 2 Rating = {{cat2Rating}}

12.Thinking about your IT team and colleagues, how would you rate your collective skillset to recover from a ransomware or other cyber attack resulting a data destruction event? (please check one)
Answer12 = {{Answer12}}

13. Thinking about your last data recovery effort relating to a ransomware or cyber incident, how successful was your team/staff recovering data? (please check one)
Answer13 = {{Answer13}}
Selected E = {{q13e}}

14. Do you believe your organization would be able to recover all data, objects, file systems in a non-corrupted state after a disruptive cyber event/attack? (please check one)
Answer14 = {{Answer14}}

15. Does your organization currently have the capability to isolate or “air gap” some of its protection storage capacity to prevent malware infections? (please check one)
Answer15 = {{Answer15}}

16. What type of providers have or would you most likely turn to for help and guidance when evaluating solutions to isolate or “air gap” protection storage capacity to prevent malware infections? (please check all that apply)
Answer16 = {{Answer16}}

17. Regardless of your organization’s current utilization of an isolated protection capacity today, what percent of all your organization’s business-critical applications do you believe should be protected by a solution which can ensure there is always a copy of uncompromised data from which your organization can restore? (please check one)
Answer17 = {{Answer17}}

18. Thinking about your overall ability to remediate and recover from a cyber-security event, how would you assess your organization’s overall capabilities in the following areas? (please check one per row)
Answer18-1 = {{Answer18}}
Answer18-2 = {{Answer19}}

Category 3 Score = {{cat3Score}}
Category 3 Rating = {{cat3Rating}}

url = {{url}}